Wednesday, January 15, 2014 - , , , 0 comments

Dr. Oz 3-Day Detox (pt. 2)

For those of you considering doing this cleanse, here are a few tips. 


  • Probably the best drink in the bunch
  • Can use fresh and frozen berries
  • Used ground Flax meal - seemed the same
  • Used natural peanut butter instead because I had it
  • Use only the juice of the lemon


  • Celery: If using the bagged celery stalks most grocery stores sell, use only two stalks and chop into small pieces
  • Cucumber: Peel it and remove the seeds.  I opted to add half and slice the rest as a snack
  • Kale: Remove stem and only add the leaf.  
  • Apple: I did not peel it 
  • Lime: DO NOT ADD THE FLESH!  It makes the entire drink bitter. Simply add the juice.
  • Coconut Oil: Heat it or add it as a solid. I didn't notice a difference
  • Pineapple:  I used canned (no heavy syrup!)


The plan calls for a snack smoothie.  It can be a duplicate of your favorite drink.  I opted for cucumber slices and a banana.  You underestimate how much you enjoy chewing your food until your drinking everything! If you decide to include a snack, plan your shopping trip accordingly.  Those extra ingredients are not considered in the pre-made shopping list.


  • Cayenne Pepper: Odd addition and over powers the entire flavor of the smoothie.  I decided to omit the spice on days 2 and 3
  • Mango: Take some time to pick out a good one.  A tasty mango makes this drink taste even better
  • Lemon: Like the lime, only add the juice.  

Overall Reaction

Many people weigh themselves before they start this cleanse.  I, however, did not.  Although I was motivated by weight loss, I did it for the challenge and the experience.  In the process, I learned a lot about my eating preferences and highlighted the areas in my diet that I needed to improve.  I was also introduced to kale, coconut oil and almond milk. Kale isn't on my shopping list (yet) but I appreciate it for it's health benefits.  

The most important thing I accomplished was jump starting my healthy eating initiative.  I found myself making healthier food choices during the weekend and didn't succumb to my cravings as easily.  


Favorite Quotes

'Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.' -- Anonymous

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